General Zaragoza

On May 5th 1862 young Mexican General Ignaciao Zaragoza faced down 6000 of Napoleon III’s superior forces with a ragtag band of 4000 Mexicans. Zaragoza’s men bested the French in this battle.
On May 5th 1862 young Mexican General Ignaciao Zaragoza faced down 6000 of Napoleon III’s superior forces with a ragtag band of 4000 Mexicans. Zaragoza’s men bested the French in this battle.

Cinco de Mayo is in remembrance of the battle at the city of Puebla Mexico. On May 5th 1862 young Mexican General Ignaciao Zaragoza faced down 6000 of the Napoleon III Zouaves. The Zouaves were an elite French fighting force with pristine uniforms and expensive equipment. Zaragoza had under his command only 4500 rag-tag men wielding machetes and rickety rifles. The arrogant French General Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Count of Lorencez believed the lowly Mexicans would roll over under his assault. They didn’t and that coupled with his military strategy mistakes cost him the battle and his post. The victory was much needed by the Mexican people and has been celebrated every year since. Unfortunately Zaragoza died of Typhoid fever shortly after his greatest triumph.

Zaragoza T-shirts on Amazon at

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Kathleen is a digital & watercolor artist, a graphic designer, and an amateur historian.

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