Gaetano Donizetti

Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti (1797-1848) was an Italian composer, best known for 70 operas. Along with Gioachino Rossini and Vincenzo Bellini, Donizetti was a leading composer of the bel canto opera style during the first half of the nineteenth century. He influenced Giuseppe Verdi.Gaetano Donizetti T-shirts on Amazon

Victor Emmanuel II

Victor Emmanuel (1820-1878) was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 1861, when he assumed the title of King of Italy. He was the first king of an independent united Italy since the 6th century. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was heir to King Victor Emmanuel II. The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was …

Catherine de’ Medici

Catherine de’ Medici (1519-1589) was an Italian noblewoman during the Italian renaissance in Florence. As a member of the powerful Medici family she brokered into marriage. She wielded great power as Queen of France married to King Henry II and the mother of French Kings Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III. Amazon T-shirts available …