
Kamehameha (1758-1819) was the first Hawaiian monarch. He was born on Kohala, Hawaii to Chief Keouakupuapaikalaninui and Chiefess Keku’iapoiwa though there were rumors about an adoption. Kamehameha’s birth coincided with Halley’s Comet, seen in 1758. In 1810 he become the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii after the chiefdoms of all the islands united …

Jean Paul Marat

Jean Paul Marat (1743-1793) was a French political theorist, physician, and scientist. Marat published his views in pamphlets, placards and newspapers. A journalist and politician during the French Revolution, Marat was a fierce defender of the sans-culottes, a radical voice.Marat T-shirts on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZHL7BT2

General Zaragoza

Cinco de Mayo is in remembrance of the battle at the city of Puebla Mexico. On May 5th 1862 young Mexican General Ignaciao Zaragoza faced down 6000 of the Napoleon III Zouaves. The Zouaves were an elite French fighting force with pristine uniforms and expensive equipment. Zaragoza had under his command only 4500 rag-tag men …

Alexander von Humboldt

Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) was a German polymath, geographer, naturalist, explorer. He believed in science and Romantic philosophy. Humboldt travelled extensively in the Americas and wrote and published several volumes on his travels. He is considered both “the father of ecology” and “the father of environmentalism.”Alexander von Humboldt T-shirts on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZ6RLWKV

Gaetano Donizetti

Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti (1797-1848) was an Italian composer, best known for 70 operas. Along with Gioachino Rossini and Vincenzo Bellini, Donizetti was a leading composer of the bel canto opera style during the first half of the nineteenth century. He influenced Giuseppe Verdi.Gaetano Donizetti T-shirts on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXC2QF6L